Telephone scammers purportedly calling from the “Hopkins Law Firm” in Denver.

For months, our firm has been receiving telephone calls and e-mail inquiries about an extortion scam related to the collection efforts of outstanding payday loans.  The callers are receiving threatening calls from individuals claiming to be with the “Hopkins Law Firm” in Denver.  They are demanding repayment of a past due payday loan, yet are unable to provide the necessary information to support the claim of outstanding debt.  Frighteningly enough, these scammers are armed with personal information about the individuals they are contacting.  This fact alone has scared some into heeding their demands and actually sending them money to prevent them future threats to their employers, family members, and friends.

In an effort to clear any confusion about our law firm, we want to create awareness that we are not the source of these harassing phone calls.  Our firm has done research into this scam and learned of many people who have been affected and what needs to be done to deter ongoing harassment.   The Federal Bureau of Investigation has posted information related to this matter on its website, which can be found here.  This press release identifies the problem and how to file a complaint with the appropriate authorities.  The direct link to file a complaint is here.   Locally, the Colorado Department of Law issued at press release with similar information related to these scams and how to file a complaint both with the state Attorney General’s Office and with the Federal Trade Commission here.  That press release can be found here.

We have taken action by filing reports with these agencies to protect our firm and our reputation.  We ask that you protect yourself by following the steps necessary to file complaints about these scamming activities and do what you can to secure your own personal information.

— Kelli Sanders, Firm Administrator


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