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- #8 (no title)
2020 CLM Claims College
2020 Super Lawyer
2021 Best Lawyers
additional insured coverage in Colorado
- Mid-Session Overview of Colorado’s 2017 Construction Defect Legislation
- A New Trend Emerging Regarding the Definition of Ongoing Operations: Jaynes Corp. v. ASIC
- Acord Certificates of Liability Insurance: What They Don’t Tell You Can Hurt You
- Joinder vs. Misjoinder in Colorado Construction Claims: Roche Constructors v. One Beacon.
- United States District Court Confirms That Insurers Can Be Held Liable Under The CCPA.
- Colorado Court of Appeals Rejects Retroactive Application of C.R.S. § 13-20-808.
- ISO Rolls Out Colorado-Specific Insurance Forms in Response to the Colorado Anti-Indemnity Statute.
- An Arapahoe County District Court Retroactively Applies C.R.S. § 13-20-808 (HB 10-1394).
- Lafarge v. KECI and a Subcontractor’s Duty to Defend
- DRI’s Construction Litigation Desk Reference Now Available.
- A new way to discover parties’ insurance policies?
affordable housing colorado
- City of Aspen v. Burlingame Ranch II Condominium Owners Association: Clarifying the Application of the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act
- At Long Last, the Colorado Legislature Gets Serious About Construction Defect Reform – In a Constructive Way
- The 2024 Colorado Legislative Session Promises to be a Busy One for the Construction Industry and its Insurers
- Denver’s Proposed Solution to the Affordable Housing Crisis
- Will affordable housing ever come back to Colorado?
attorneys' fee clause
Barrister's best award
Best Law Firm
Best Lawyers in America
Builders' Risk Insurance
- Colorado Senate Bill 25-157: A Gift to Plaintiffs’ Attorneys That Will Cost Colorado Businesses and Homebuyers
- HB24-1014: A Warning Bell for Colorado Businesses Amid Potential Consumer Protection Changes
- Colorado Legislature Considered Making CCPA Claims Drastically More Damaging to Construction Professionals: Why You Should Still Have Your Guard Up
- Colorado Defense Lawyers Association to Host a Construction Defect Reform Legislative Preview on December 10th
- David M. McLain asked to speak at the Colorado Defense Lawyers Association 2012 Annual Conference
- Colorado Defense Lawyers Association Elects New Board Members
- The Colorado Defense Lawyers Association (CDLA) announces new Board of Directors
claims made
colorado builder
- Mitigating Legal Risks in Urban Sustainable Building
- Offshore Asset Protection Trusts
- Spend Some Time Sharpening Your Ax
- Colorado requires builders to accommodate high-efficiency devices in new homes
- Colorado’s abbreviated legislative session offers builders a reprieve
- Most Common OSHA Violations Highlight Ongoing Risks
- What to look for in subcontractor warranty endorsements
Colorado construction attorneys
- Navigating Construction Defect Claims and Statutes of Limitation: Key Lessons from Stoecklein v. Fayette Farms
- Buyer Beware: Insurance Agents May Have No Duty to Sell Construction Contractors an Insurance Policy Covering Likely Claims
- Beyond the Statute: How the Colorado Court Upheld Modified Accrual in Construction Contracts
- U.S. District Court of Colorado Interprets Insurance Policy’s Faulty Workmanship Exclusion and Exception for Ensuing Damage
- Colorado’s Workers’ Compensation Act and the Construction Industry
- The Economic Loss Rule: From Where Does the Duty Arise?
- Contractual warranty agreements may preclude future tort recovery
- Implied Warranty Claims–Not Just a Seller’s Risk: Builders Beware!
- This is why I practice law
- Requesting an Allocation Between Covered and Non-Covered Damages? [Do] Think Twice, It’s [Not Always] All Right.
- HHMR will work for diapers!
- Interpreting Insurance Coverage and Exclusions: When Sudden means Sudden and EIFS means Faulty
- Colorado House Bill 20-1290 – Restriction on the Use of Failure to Cooperate Defense in First-Party Claims
- HB 20-1046 – Private Retainage Reform – Postponed Indefinetely
- The Attack on Colorado’s Construction Industry Continues at the State Legislature
- Denver Metro Area Mayors Urge No Vote on SB 93 as Written.
- Potential Extension of the Statutes of Limitation and Repose for Colorado Construction Defect Claims
- Appellate Court reverses district court’s finding of alter ego in Sedgwick Properties Development Corporation v. Christopher Hinds (2019WL2865935)
- Dave McLain to Speak at the CRG Lunch & Learn in June
- Will There Be Construction Defect Legislation Introduced in the 2019 Colorado Legislative Session?
- Scholarships Available for the 2018 CLM Claims College – School of Construction
- The Curious Case of the Three Year Statute of Limitations for Construction Earth Movers
- Dave McLain to Speak at the MBA’s Condominium Lending Workshop 2018
- Association Insurance Company v. Carbondale Glen Lot E-8, LLC: Federal Court reaffirms that there is no duty to defend or indemnify a builder for defective construction work
- Recent Changes in the Law Affecting Construction Defect Litigation
- Vallagio v. Metropolitan Homes: Colorado Supreme Court Upholds Declarant Consent Provision to Amend Arbitration Out of Declarations
- Taylor Morrison v. Terracon: Adjustment of Verdicts to Account for Others’ Liability and Contractual Limitation of Liability Clauses
- Colorado Homebuyers Must be in Privity of Contract with Developer to Assert Breach of Implied Warranty of Suitability.
- David M. McLain to Speak at the CLM Claims College – School of Construction – Scholarships Available
- Colorado House Bill 17-1279 – A Misguided Attempt at Construction Defect Reform
- Homeowner Protection Act of 2007 Not Just for Individual Homeowners Anymore?
- Colorado Supreme Court Weighs in on Timeliness of Claims Against Subcontractors in Construction Defect Actions
- Colorado Court of Appeals Defines “Substantial Completion” for Subcontractors’ Work so as to Shorten the Period of Time in Which They Can Be Sued
- Higgins, Hopkins, McLain & Roswell is looking for the next great associate attorney to add to our growing litigation team.
- David M. McLain to Speak at the CLM Claims College – School of Construction – Scholarships Available
- Colorado Supreme Court Grants the Petition for Writ of Certiorari in Vallagio v. Metropolitan Homes
- Dave McLain to Present at an Upcoming Lunch & Learn Event on the State of the State’s Construction Industry
- HOA Coalition Statement on Construction-Defects Transparency Legislation
- KF-103 v. American Family Mutual Insurance: Tenth Circuit Upholds the “Complaint Rule”
- Landmark Towers Association, Inc. v. UMB Bank, N.A. or: One Bad Apple Spoils the Whole Bunch
- HHMR has an Opening for a New Associate with 3-5 Years’ Experience
- HHMR Attorneys to Speak at an Upcoming Seminar Regarding Managing Risk, Insurance, and a Legislative Overview
- HHMR Attorneys to Speak at an Upcoming CRG Lunch & Learn
- David M. McLain named Law Week Colorado’s 2015 Barrister’s Best Construction Defects Lawyer for Defendants
- Mr. David McLain to speak at the 2015 Claims College – School of Construction.
- Commerce City Enacts Reform to Increase For-Sale Multifamily Housing.
- Vallagio v. Metropolitan Homes: The Colorado Court of Appeals’ Decision Protecting a Declarant’s Right to Arbitration in Construction Defect Cases
- House Committee Kills Colorado’s 2015 Attainable Housing Bill
- Senate Bill 15-091 Passes Out of the Senate State, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee
- The First Hearing on SB 177 Has Been Scheduled – Call to Action!
- Another Municipality Takes Action to Address the Lack of Condominiums Being Built in its Jurisdiction
- Colorado Senate Bill 15-177: This Year’s Attempt at Reasonable Construction Defect Reform
- Insurer’s Duty to Defend: When is it Triggered? When is it Not?
- The Great Fallacy: If Builders Would Just Build It Right There Would Be No Construction Defect Litigation
- Senator Ray Scott Introduced a Bill to Reduce Colorado’s Statute of Repose for Construction Defect Actions to Four Years
- Another Case Highlighting the Difference Between CGL Policies and Performance Bonds
- Become Familiar With Your CGL Policy Exclusions to Ensure You Are Covered: Wardcraft v. EMC.
- KF-103 v. American Family Mutual Insurance: An Exception to the Four Corners Rule
- HHMR Attorneys to Present at an Upcoming CRG Builder Lunch & Learn – Reserve Your Seat Now
- David M. McLain, Esq. to Speak at the 2014 CLM Claims College
- When Can a General Contractor’s Knowledge be Imputed to a Developer?
- Taylor Morrison v. Terracon and the Homeowner Protection Act of 2007
- Builder’s Be Wary of Insurance Policies that Provide No Coverage for Building: Mt. Hawley Ins. Co v. Creek Side at Parker HOA
- Colorado Court of Appeals Decides the Triple Crown Case
- The Economic Loss Rule and the Disclosure of Latent Defects: In re the Estate of Carol S. Gattis
- A Bill for an Act Concerning Workers’ Compensation – 2014 Edition
- The Need to Be Specific and Precise in Drafting Settling Agreements
- Settlement Payment May Preclude Finding of Policy Exhaustion: Scottsdale v. National Union
- Read Carefully. The Insurance Coverage You Thought You Were Getting May Not Be The Coverage You Got.
- Colorado Court of Appeals to Rule on Arbitrability of an HOA’s Construction Defect Claims
- DRCOG’s Findings on the Impact of Construction Defect Litigation Have Been Released (And the Results Should Not Surprise You)
- Insurance Policy’s “No Voluntary Payment” Clauses Lose Some Bite in Colorado
- Colorado Supreme Court to Hear Colorado Pool Systems, Inc. v. Scottsdale Insurance Company, et al.
- Issue and Claim Preclusion When Forced to Litigate Similar Issues in Different Forums: White River Village, LLP v. Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland
- A Closer Look at an HOA Board Member’s Duty to Homeowners
- Lenders and Post-Foreclosure Purchasers Have Standing to Make Construction Defect Claims for After-Discovered Conditions
- Limitations on the Ability to Withdraw and De-Annex Property from a Common Interest Community
- Colorado’s Federal District Court Finds Carriers Have Joint and Several Defense Duties
- Land Planners Not Held to Professional Standard of Care
- The New AIA Sustainable Project Contract Documents: A Good Basis for Managing Risk on Green Building Projects
- Risk Management for Condominium Conversions
- In Re Golba: The Knaubs v. Golba and Rollison, Debtors – Revisited
- Colorado Senate Bill 13-052 Dies in Committee
- Update on Colorado Senate Bill 13-052
- Colorado Senate Bill 13-052 Has Been Scheduled for its First Hearing April 15th in the Senate Judiciary Committee
- Travelers v. Larimer County and the Concept of Covered Cause of Loss
- Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Approves New Setback Rules
- Colorado HB 13-1090: Concerning Payment of Amounts Due Under a Construction Agreement
- The Colorado Supreme Court holds that loans made to a construction company are not subject to the Mechanic’s Lien Trust Fund Statute
- Colorado Court of Appeals Enforces Limitations of Liability In Pre-Homeowner Protection Act Contracts
- CAHB’s Position Statement Regarding SB 13-52
- Higgins, Hopkins, McLain & Roswell Announces Bret L. Cogdill as Special Counsel
- Colorado Senate Bill 13-052: The “Transit-Oriented Development Claims Act of 2013.”
- Colorado Abandons the “Completed and Accepted Rule” in Favor of the “Foreseeability Rule” in Determining a Contractor’s Duty to a Third Party After Work Has Been Completed
- The Hidden Dangers of Construction Defect Litigation: A Redux
- One Colorado Court Allows Negligence Claim by General Contractor Against Subcontractor
- In Colorado, Repair Vendors Can Bring First-Party Bad Faith Actions For Amounts Owed From an Insurer
- Colorado Court of Appeals Finds Damages to Non-Defective Property Arising From Defective Construction Covered Under Commercial General Liability Policy
- When Does a Claim Against an Insurance Carrier for Failing to Defend Accrue?
- Important Information Regarding Colorado Mechanic’s Lien Rights.
- The Colorado Court of Appeals rules that a statutory notice of claim triggers an insurer’s duty to defend.
- Limitations of liability in subcontractors’ contracts may not be enforceable in Colorado to limit claims by construction professionals.
- Derek Lindenschmidt named Law Week Colorado’s 2012 Barrister’s Best Construction-Defects Lawyer for the Defense
- Allowing the use of a general verdict form in a construction defect case could subject your client to prejudgment interest.
- There is No Non-Delegable Duty on the Part of Residential Builders in Colorado
- In Re Golba: The Knaubs v. Golba and Rollison, Debtors
- Win $500 For Your Favorite Charity: Connect with HHMR Online to Win.
- An Analysis of the District Court Order on TCD v. AmFam.
- Colorado Senate Bill 12-181: 2012’s Version of a Prompt Pay Bill.
- Otteman v. Journey Homes, LLC.: Slipping Out of Contractual Arbitration Provisions
- Follow Up on Continental Western v. Shay Construction
- The Hidden Dangers of Construction Defect Litigation
- HHMR Makes its Mark on the 2012 Lists of Super Lawyers and Rising Stars.
- A Downside of Associational Standing – HOA’s Claims Against Subcontractors Barred by Statute of Limitations.
- Colorado Court of Appeals Clarifies When the Statute of Repose is Triggered in Multi-Phase Construction Projects.
- In Colorado, you may now be able to recover attorneys’ fees and costs expended in piercing a corporate veil.
- Another district court weighs in on the impact of HB 10-1394.
- Higgins, Hopkins, McLain & Roswell Promotes Derek J. Lindenschmidt to Partner
- Colorado’s legislature is back in action. What does this mean for Colorado’s construction professionals?
- It is time to clarify that plaintiffs in construction defect cases cannot recover more than 100% of their actual damages.
- Licensure for Common Interest Community Association Managers in Colorado: Should Construction Professionals and Their Insurers Support the Effort?
- In Colorado, Primary Insurers are Necessary Parties in Declaratory Judgment Actions.
- Renovation Contractors: Be Careful How You Disclose Your Projects
- United States District Court for the District of Colorado Denies Summary Judgment in the High Street Lofts Case.
- The U.S. Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals Rules on Greystone.
- Is now really the time to bare it all? An analysis of the decision to discontinue insurance coverage in times when no new homes are being built.
- Higgins, Hopkins, McLain & Roswell Celebrates its 10 Year Anniversary
- Senate Bill 11-264: The Clarification of Lien Bonding Statutes
- Court retains jurisdiction over mechanic’s lien case despite the merits being decided in arbitration.
- Is There a Conflict of Interest When a CD Defense Attorney Becomes Coverage Counsel Post-Litigation?
- Colorado Civil Access Pilot Project: Second Update
- General Contractor/Developer May Not Rely on the Homeowner Protection Act to Avoid a Waiver of Consequential Damages in an AIA Contract
- Colorado Court of Appeals weighs in on the public impact element of a CCPA claim
- Bret Cogdill to Speak at the Lorman Construction Claims Seminar, June 24 in Aurora, CO
- Colorado Court of Appeals holds that insurance companies owe duty of prompt and effective communication to claimants and repair subcontractors.
- End of Colorado Senate Bill 11-068
- Analysis of the “owned property exclusion” under Panico v. State Farm
- HHMR is honored to have one of its attorneys named as a 2011 Colorado Super Lawyer and two others named as Rising Stars.
- Follow Up on Colorado Senate Bill 11-068: Unwarranted Changes to the Colorado Consumer Protection Act
- Colorado Civil Access Pilot Project: Update
- Colorado Senate Bill 11-68 Proposes Unwarranted Changes to the Colorado Consumer Protection Act
- Colorado Court of Appeals clarifies “premises owned” exclusion commonly found in homeowners’ insurance policies
- Colorado Civil Access Pilot Project
- U.S. District Court holds that CDARA’s “actual damages” provision is a cap on damages, but not the only available measure of damages
- New Laws to Take Effect January 1, 2011
- The Case Behind Colorado HB 10-1394?
- Colorado Court of Appeals Defines Actual Damage Claims Under CDARA
- Reflections on my recent trip to South Africa: There are no construction defect suits for tin shacks.
- HHMR welcomes Heather Anderson, Brady Iandiorio, and Chad Johnson to our firm.
- Thinking of lending money to your business? Think again. It could cost you a lot more than you think.
- HBA of Metro Denver speaks out about Colorado House Bill 10-1394.
- Sheri H. Roswell to Speak at MC Consultants’ 16th Annual West Region Construction Defect and Insurance Coverage Conference
- Lessons learned from a recent trial. Be careful about the evidence you are creating.
- Unsigned Arbitration Agreements: Can They Be Enforced?
- Scope of Arbitration Clauses and Waiver of Rights to Arbitration
- David M. McLain is a proud new member of the Council on Litigation Management.
- Colorado Court of Appeals’ decision regarding the statute of limitations applicable to construction defect claims.
- HHMR is looking for an outstanding new associate.
- Questions about the effect of foreclosures on construction defect suits. Input requested.
- Two more jury verdicts in Colorado construction defect lawsuits
- Responding to a Notice of Claim Pursuant to C.R.S. § 13-20-803.5
- HHMR Meets with the Construction Defect Claim Manager Association regarding Colorado HB 10-1394
- Smith v. Executive Custom Homes: Is the end of the repair doctrine in Colorado construction defect cases?
- Colorado HB 10-1394 passes out of the legislature and moves on to the Governor, again
- The 2010 legislative session in Colorado will end with no construction defect measures having been introduced
- What commercial property owners must know about protecting themselves from liens for work performed for tenants
- There May Not Be Any Construction Defect Legislation in Colorado This Year After All
- Colorado HB 10-1394 Passed out of Committee and Onto the Senate Floor
- Setting the Record Straight: The Colorado Association of Home Builders’ Response to the ASA’s Claims Regarding HB 10-1394
- Colorado House Bill 10-1394 Passes Out of the House and Moves on to the Senate
- House Bill 10-1394 Continues its Journey Through the Colorado Legislature
- Attorneys with HHMR, LLC Honored as 2010 Colorado Super Lawyer® and “Rising Stars”
- Will there be a construction defects bill in 2010? When will we know?
- HHMR’s Blog Listed in Construction Marketing Ideas’ List of Construction Blogs
- David M. McLain to Speak at a Construction Defect Claims Seminar in Colorado, June 24, 2010
- Registration is Now Open for the 17th Anniversary West Coast Casualty’s Construction Defect Seminar
- Strategies for Managing Your Risk
- Is a Legislative Attack on Colorado Homebuilders Imminent?
- Statute of Limitations Applicable to Claims Brought Under the Governmental Immunity Act
- A New Exception to the Complaint Rule for Determining an Insurer’s Duty to Defend in Colorado
- HHMR’s Blog Listed in “55 Resources on State Construction Laws”
- Conflicts With Interest – A Novel by Michael Ruddy
- Hildebrand v. National Fire & Marine Insurance Company – A Good Break for the Plaintiffs
- David M. McLain, Colorado Construction Litigation Attorney, to Speak at an Upcoming Construction Defect Seminar.
- Coverage for construction defect claims in Colorado has taken yet another hit.
- Is there coverage for contruction defect claims in Colorado? Part 2: Did we go from bad to worse?
- Is there coverage for contruction defect claims in Colorado? Part 1: It’s not looking good.
- The outlook for construction projects in Colorado is not too rosy.
- Recoverability of prejudgment interest in Colorado construction defect lawsuits.
- Thermo Development v. Central Masonry Corp. Explained
- Colorado Homeowner Protection Act of 2010. Much ado about nothing or Trojan horse?
- First day of the 2010 Colorado legislative session.
- Request for help in building an e-mail distribution list for the upcoming Colorado legislative session.
- Bill addressing construction defects likely will return.
- Ten days until the start of the 2010 Colorado legislative session.
- What happens after a construction defect suit settles?
- Is the U.S. Senate’s health care reform bad news for builders?
- Another jury verdict adverse to a builder.
- West Coast Casualty’s Construction Defect Seminar.
- HHMR’s Overview of Construction Defect Litigation in Colorado.
Colorado construction litigation
- Colorado Senate Bill 25-185: Preserving Homeowners’ Rights to Assert Negligence Claims Against Subcontractors and Design Professionals
- Colorado House Bill 25-1261 Will Skyrocket Housing Costs — Here’s Why You Should Oppose It
- Colorado’s Housing Crisis: How S.B. 25-131 Could Be a Step in the Right Direction
- Veolia Water Technologies, Inc. v. Antero Treatment LLC: Colorado Court of Appeals Addresses Fraud in Design-Build Contracts
- Flushing Away Liability: What the Aqua Engineering Case Means for Contractors and Subcontractors
- Don’t Conspire to Build a Home…Wait…What?
- Beginning of the 2020 Colorado Legislative Session: Here We Go Again
- Why builders should reconsider arbitration clauses in construction contracts
- The Vallagio HOA Appeals the Decision from the Colorado Court of Appeals.
- Colorado SB 15-177 UPDATE: Senate Business, Labor, & Technology Committee Refers Construction Defect Reform Bill to Full Senate
- Press Release From the Colorado State Senate Regarding Senate Bill 91’s Passage Out of Committee
- Colorado Legislators Need to Fix Barriers to Attainable and Affordable Homeownership
- Preparing for the 2015 Colorado Legislative Session
- Another Colorado District Court Refuses to Apply HB 10-1394 Retroactively.
- An Arapahoe County District Court Refuses to Apply HB 10-1394 Retrospectively
- David M. McLain to speak at next week’s Rocky Mountain Builder Conference & Expo
- H.B. 10-1394: New Law Governing Insurance Coverage for Construction Defect Claims
- IRMI Weighs in on Colorado House Bill 10-1394
- Governor Ritter Signs HB 10-1394 Into Law
- HB 10-1394 – A Bill for an Act Concerning Professional Liability Insurance Policies Issued to Construction Professionals
- Verdict in a recent case involving a trip-and-fall accident on construction site.
- Welcome to the new blog.
Colorado Defense Lawyers Association
Colorado House Bill 20-1290
Colorado legislative session
Colorado Mechanic's Liens
Colorado Supreme Court
construction defect
- Colorado Court of Appeals confirms senior living communities as “residential properties” for purposes of the Homeowner Protection Act.
- Coloradoans Deserve More Than Hyperbole and Rhetoric From Plaintiffs’ Attorneys; We Deserve Attainable Housing
- Tougher for Insurance Carriers to Reserve the Right to Recoup Litigation Costs in Wyoming.
construction defect legislation
Construction Defect Speakers
construction insurance
construction legislation
construction site accidents
court of appeals
covered damages
Denver construction attorneys
economic loss rule
EIFS house
energy efficiency
general liability
green building
HB 20-1155
Homeowner Protection Act
implied warranty
insurance litigation
insurance policy
joint and several liability
land planning
land use
Law Week Colorado
non-covered damages
reservation of rights
Senate Bill 20-138
settlement agreement
statute of limitation
subcontractor warranty endorsements
surety bonds
- Higgins, Hopkins, McLain & Roswell, LLC Announces Leadership Changes and New Vision for Growth
- BKV Barnett, LLC v. Electric Drilling Technologies, LLC: Analyzing the Impact of Colorado’s Anti-Indemnification Statute
- Understanding Insurance Disputes in Construction Defect Litigation: A Review of Acuity v. Kinsale
- Colorado Court of Appeals’ Ruling Highlights Dangers of Excessive Public Works Claims
- Dave McLain included in the 2023 edition of The Best Lawyers in America
- Defense Verdict!
- Anti-Concurrent Causation Endorsements in CGL Insurance Policies: A Word of Caution
- Municipal Ordinances Create Additional Opportunities for the Defense of Construction Defect Claims in Colorado
- The Colorado Healthy Families and Workplaces Act: It may be time to review your paid sick leave policy
- HHMR is Hiring a Director of Operations/EOS Integrator
- Revisiting Denver’s construction defect ordinance
- HHMR lawyers recognized by Best Lawyers
- HHMR Celebrates 20 Years of Service!
- Understanding Colorado’s new retainage law
- HHMR is Looking for an Associate/Supporting Attorney (0-5 Years of Experience)
- House Bill 21-1167 (5% Private Retention) Set for Second Reading in the Senate
- The Importance of Notice under the Construction Defect Action Reform Act: Auto-Owners Insurance Company v. High Country Coatings, Inc.[1]
- Ben Volpe joins Higgins, Hopkins, McLain & Roswell
- Dreyer v. Am. Natl. Prop. & Cas. Co. Or: Do Not Enter into Nunn-Agreements for Injuries that Occurred After Expiration of the Subject Insurance Policy
- Insurance Company’s Reservation of Rights Letter Negates its Interest in the Litigation
- 2019 Legislative Session
- What are the most commonly claimed issues in construction defect litigation?
- Colorado House Bill 19-1170: Undefined Levels of Mold or Dampness Can Make a Leased Residential Premises Uninhabitable
- HHMR Seeks Full Time Office Clerk/Receptionist
- Expansion of Statutes of Limitations and Repose in K-12 and Municipal Construction Contracts
- Steven L. Heisdorffer Joins Higgins, Hopkins, McLain & Roswell
- Plaintiffs’ claims in Barry v. Weyerhaeuser Company are likely to proceed after initial hurdle.
- Two things to consider before making warranty repairs
- Governmental Immunity Waived for Independent Contractor – Lopez v. City of Grand Junction
- The next evolution in Colorado construction defect litigation? Single-family home builders could be in the crosshairs.
- The Impact of Sopris Lodging v. Schofield Excavation on Timeliness of Colorado Construction Defect Claims
- Higgins, Hopkins, McLain & Roswell is on the Lookout for a New Associate
- A few pictures from HHMR’s day at the Home Builders Foundation 2013 Blitz Build
- Higgins, Hopkins, McLain & Roswell, LLC is Looking for a New Associate Attorney.
- Yet Another District Court Weighs in on HB 10-1394
- Telephone scammers purportedly calling from the “Hopkins Law Firm” in Denver.
- American Subcontractors Association of Colorado Opposes Colorado House Bill 10-1394
- Treadwell v. Village Homes and the Lessons Learned Regarding Deference to an Arbiter’s Decision
- Homeowner Protection Act of 2010. Here we go again.
- Another verdict in a recent multifamily construction defect lawsuit.