It is my sincere pleasure to announce Law Week Colorado named my friend and partner, Dave McLain, as the 2015 Barrister’s Best Construction Defects Lawyer for Defendants. Law Week Colorado’s summary of David’s accomplishments includes the following recognition:
David McLain has set himself apart in the heated area of construction defects litigation as a founding member of his firm and as a member of several associations that serve developers. As one of the most connected and most vocal members of this area of law, we certainly know whom to go to when the construction defects issue inevitably bubbles up again.
I can say with pride and certainty, that there is no one more deserving of such recognition in the legal and construction community than David. I have had the honor of working side by side with David since he began practicing law. Together, fourteen years ago, we founded Higgins, Hopkins, McLain & Roswell, LLC with a vision of serving the construction industry at the highest level. Our firm’s Mission Statement states that “HHMR exists to embody and exemplify the principles of service and stewardship. In everything we do, we focus on serving our clients selflessly and to the best of our ability.” David lives our values each and every day. Throughout his general civil litigation career, David’s practice has focused on the representation of construction professionals and their insurers. David has become one of the most sought after legal professionals in the region, both for his keen skills in construction litigation and for his unsurpassed leadership in professional organizations and legislative efforts. When it comes to issues of risk management, David has an uncanny ability to evaluate exposures, identify the issues, and forge a path toward a positive outcome for his clients. David brings intelligence, integrity and a sharp wit to all that he does. Congratulations David; well done.