statute of limitation

Navigating Construction Defect Claims and Statutes of Limitation: Key Lessons from Stoecklein v. Fayette Farms

In the recent Colorado Court of Appeals decision Stoecklein v. Fayette Farms, LLC (2024 WL 5098330), the Court addressed critical…

2 weeks ago

Flushing Away Liability: What the Aqua Engineering Case Means for Contractors and Subcontractors

The recent Town of Mancos v. Aqua Engineering case is an insightful example of how well written contracts and timely…

6 months ago

Beyond the Statute: How the Colorado Court Upheld Modified Accrual in Construction Contracts

In a case of first impression, the First Division of the Colorado Court of Appeals recently reviewed whether parties may…

1 year ago

Potential Extension of the Statutes of Limitation and Repose for Colorado Construction Defect Claims

On January 27th, Senator Robert Rodriguezintroduced SB 20-138 into the Colorado Legislature.  The bill has been assigned to the Senate…

5 years ago