Colorado Construction Litigation Blog

In the August 2010 volume of The Colorado Lawyer, Ronald M. Sandgrund and Scott F. Sullan wrote an article entitled, “H.B. 10-1394: New Law Governing Insurance Coverage for Construction Defect Claims.”  This article provides a unique perspective on the law, from two of its proponents.  What follows is the text of the article by Messrs. Sandgrund and […]

As many of you are aware, in May of this year Governor Ritter signed into law Colorado House Bill 10-1394, soon to be codified as C.R.S. § 13-20-808(3). Among other effects, the bill retroactively changes the duty of insurers to defend construction professionals in construction liability cases. The bill faced staunch opposition from insurers, agents, […]

For those of you not familiar with IRMI, it is the International Risk Management Institute, Inc., a powerhouse in terms of providing accurate and insightful information regarding insurance and insurance coverage.  According to its website, IRMI’s ” mission is to be the premier authority in providing expert advice and practical strategies for risk management, insurance, […]

On June 10, 2010, I had the privilege of speaking to members of the Construction Defect Claim Managers Association (“CDCMA”) in Irvine, California. The CDCMA’s purpose is to foster communication and trust amongst its membership and to permit continuing education, leading to effective and efficient claims handling methods and mechanisms for the benefit of insureds, […]

As previously discussed over the last few months in this blog, HB 10-1394 has been creating a lot of waves in the Colorado insurance industry and among those that it insures in the construction industry.  A compendium of previous entries related to HB 10-1394 can be found here.  The latest news is that Governor Ritter […]

After passing third reading in the Senate on May 4th, HB 10-1394 went to the Governor’s office for the first time.  Because of pressure from insurance companies, the Governor’s office urged the parties interested in HB 10-1394 to continue working on compromise language and threatened that the bill would be vetoed if the parties could not […]

In today’s online edition of the Denver Business Journal, Ed Sealover reported that the “Bill that bothered Colorado builders dies without a hearing.”  In a hearing today of the Senate State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee, Senate Majority Leader John Morse asked the committee to postpone Senate Bill 45 indefinitely after stating that the issues […]

In three previous entries (first on January 13, 2010 – “Colorado Homeowner Protection Act of 2010. Much ado about nothing or Trojan horse?,” then on March 16, 2010 “Is a Legislative Attack on Colorado Homebuilders Imminent?,” and finally on April 2, 2010 “Will there be a construction defects bill in 2010? When will we know?“), I […]

On Wednesday, the Senate Business, Labor & Technology Committee considered HB 10-1394 and referred the bill, unamended, to the Senate Committee of the Whole.  The bill is currently calandered for Second Reading in the Senate on Monday, May 3rd. Prior to the hearing on Wedneday, stakeholders from all affected industries (homeowners, builders, subcontractors, insurers, and […]

Yesterday I posted the American Subcontractors Association of Colorado’s opposition piece to Colorado House Bill 10-1394.  Upon returning to my office, I found in my inbox the documents prepared by the Colorado Association of Home Builders to set the record straight. Correcting the Record: Response to American Subcontractors Association of Colorado Opposition to HB-1394 What […]


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