construction defect

Colorado Supreme Court Grants the Petition for Writ of Certiorari in Vallagio v. Metropolitan Homes

We have previously reported on the Vallagio v. Metropolitan Homes case, in which the Colorado Court of Appeals upheld a provision…

9 years ago

HOA Coalition Statement on Construction-Defects Transparency Legislation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Bill Ray / 303-885-1881DENVER—The Homeownership Opportunity Alliance—a broad coalition of business groups, builders, elected officials and…

9 years ago

KF-103 v. American Family Mutual Insurance: Tenth Circuit Upholds the “Complaint Rule”

In Colorado, the “complaint rule” requires insurance carriers to provide a defense to its insured when the allegations contained in…

9 years ago

HHMR has an Opening for a New Associate with 3-5 Years’ Experience

Higgins, Hopkins, McLain & Roswell, LLC, located in Cherry Creek, has an opening for a litigation associate with 3-5 years…

9 years ago

HHMR Attorneys to Speak at an Upcoming CRG Lunch & Learn

Dave McLain, Sheri Roswell, and Lisa Bondy Dunn will be speaking at the final installment of a four-part series hosted…

9 years ago

The Vallagio HOA Appeals the Decision from the Colorado Court of Appeals.

As highlighted in our most recent post, the Colorado Court of Appeals’ Vallagio decision upheld a declaration provision that prohibited…

10 years ago