Colorado Construction Litigation Blog

In three previous entries (first on January 13, 2010 – “Colorado Homeowner Protection Act of 2010. Much ado about nothing or Trojan horse?,” then on March 16, 2010 “Is a Legislative Attack on Colorado Homebuilders Imminent?,” and finally on April 2, 2010 “Will there be a construction defects bill in 2010? When will we know?“), I […]

On Wednesday, the Senate Business, Labor & Technology Committee considered HB 10-1394 and referred the bill, unamended, to the Senate Committee of the Whole.  The bill is currently calandered for Second Reading in the Senate on Monday, May 3rd. Prior to the hearing on Wedneday, stakeholders from all affected industries (homeowners, builders, subcontractors, insurers, and […]

Yesterday I posted the American Subcontractors Association of Colorado’s opposition piece to Colorado House Bill 10-1394.  Upon returning to my office, I found in my inbox the documents prepared by the Colorado Association of Home Builders to set the record straight. Correcting the Record: Response to American Subcontractors Association of Colorado Opposition to HB-1394 What […]

On April 21st, House Bill 10-1394 passed Second Reading in the House, after being amended.  The current version of the bill, found here, had two significant amendments prior to its passage out of the House.  First, in section one of the bill, the language of section 13-20-808(3)(a)(VI) was changed to read: THE WORK OF A CONSTRUCTION […]

As previously reported, HB 10-1394 was introduced into the Colorado House of Representatives on April 1, 2010.  For information or background regarding the bill, you can read our previous blog entry here.  The bill was amended by the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee and passed out of the committee on an 11-0 vote on […]

On the front page of today’s Denver Business Journal, Ed Sealover wrote an article entitled, “Builders fear another version of the construction-defects bill.”  In the article, Mr. Sealover notes that Senator Morse introduced SB 10-045 of the first day of the session, which is entitled “The Homeowner Protection Act of 2010.”  In the article, Mr. […]

Yesterday, Representative Joe Rice introduced into the Colorado House of Representatives House Bill 10-1394, “A Bill for an Act Concerning Professional Liability Insurance Policies Issued to Construction Professionals.” The bill, also sponsored by Senator Mark Scheffel, was assigned to the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee, which happens to be chaired by Representative Rice.  The summary of […]

Below is the text of e-mail communication sent yesterday from Colorado’s Democratic Leadership to Democratic Committeepersons attending tonight’s party caucuses: Subject: A Caucus Message from Colorado’s Democratic LeadershipAn Important Caucus Message from the Democratic Leader’s of Colorado’s General Assembly From: President of the Senate Brandon ShafferSpeaker of the House Terrance CarrollAsst. House Majority Leader Andy KerrSenate Majority Leader […]

I am happy to have been asked to speak at a Colorado Construction Defect Law Seminar on February 25th.  The seminar, sponsored by MC Consultants, Inc. and Esquire Solutions, will be held at the Brown Palace Hotel from 3:00 to 5:00 pm, followed by a networking cocktail reception.  The first panel, from 3:00 to 4:00, […]

In an article in today’s online edition of the Denver Business Journal, Cathy Proctor reported that 85% of the contractors surveyed in Colorado by the AGC expect there to be no growth in 2010.  Of the 52 contractors surveyed in Colorado (out of 700 surveyed nationally) an overwhelming majority stated that they did not believe […]


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