construction defect legislation

Colorado Homeowner Protection Act of 2010. Much ado about nothing or Trojan horse?

For those of you not glued to your computer screens watching the streaming coverage of the first day of the…

15 years ago

First day of the 2010 Colorado legislative session.

Today is the first day of the 2010 legislative session of the Colorado General Assembly.  Hang on to your hats…

15 years ago

Bill addressing construction defects likely will return.

According to Paula Moore's recent article in the Denver Business Journal, it is likely that plaintiffs' attorneys will run another…

15 years ago

Ten days until the start of the 2010 Colorado legislative session.

As previously reported, I will be serving as a voting member of the 2010 Colorado Association of Home Builders Government…

15 years ago

Is the U.S. Senate’s health care reform bad news for builders?

According to a report in today's online version of the Denver Business Journal, the amended version of the U.S. Senate's…

15 years ago