Colorado Mechanic’s Liens

Colorado HB 13-1090: Concerning Payment of Amounts Due Under a Construction Agreement

On January 17, 2013 Representative Fischer introduced House Bill 13-1090 into the Colorado House of Representatives. HB 1090 was assigned…

12 years ago

Important Information Regarding Colorado Mechanic’s Lien Rights.

With payment problems in the construction economy having accelerated over the past few years, there has been a substantial increase…

12 years ago

Colorado Senate Bill 12-181: 2012’s Version of a Prompt Pay Bill.

A potentially important legislative bill has been introduced in waning days of the 2012 legislative session, which would change many…

13 years ago

Senate Bill 11-264: The Clarification of Lien Bonding Statutes

On July 1, 2011, Senate Bill 11-264 became effective, which legislatively overruled the Colorado Court of Appeals controversial decision in…

14 years ago

Court retains jurisdiction over mechanic’s lien case despite the merits being decided in arbitration.

This summer the Colorado Court of Appeals affirmed an interesting district court order concerning the court’s jurisdiction over a mechanic’s…

14 years ago

Thinking of lending money to your business? Think again. It could cost you a lot more than you think.

In AC Excavating v. Yale, 2010WL3432219 (Colo. App. September 2, 2010), Donald Yale, a 44% shareholder of Antelope Development, LLC…

14 years ago

HHMR is looking for an outstanding new associate.

Higgins, Hopkins, McLain & Roswell, LLC is looking to add a new associate to our construction law practice.  Our firm…

15 years ago