Colorado Construction Litigation Blog

Over the years, plaintiff’s attorneys have steadily attempted to chip away at the guardrails that keep Colorado Consumer Protection Act (“CCPA”) claims in check.  Over the last few years, the General Assembly has considered a number of bills designed to make it easier to prevail on CCPA claims, increasing litigation risk for businesses across industries, […]

HB24-1014 stands to eliminate the longstanding public impact requirement found within C.R.S. § 6-1-105(2) of the Colorado Consumer Protection Act (“CCPA”).  While this proposed change professes the noblest intentions of “public peace, health or safety,” its effect portends a large detriment to Colorado business and an astronomical payday for Colorado plaintiffs’ attorneys. Brief History For […]

On June 7, 2023, the Colorado Legislature passed House Bill 23-1192 (“HB 23-1192”), now codified at C.R.S. § 6-1-730.  As it was first drafted, HB 23-1192 purported to create additional protections in the Colorado Consumer Protection Act (“CCPA”), but instead threatened to put construction professionals at an increased risk during litigation.  Under Section One of […]

As we start another trip around the sun, hopefully you are in the process of updating your form contracts, including purchase and sale agreements and express written warranties. Because the law and litigation landscape continually changes, it is a good practice to periodically update the forms you use in order to give yourself a fighting […]


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