Colorado Construction Litigation Blog

There is no doubt that urban sustainable building is a growing trend. More and more builders are looking to incorporate environmentally friendly practices into their projects, and governments are pushing for more sustainable development. However, this trend comes with a certain level of risk for builders, as there are a number of legal challenges that […]

During a recent conference, I was reminded of the idea that risk management in construction can be thought of as a three-legged stool. The first leg involves risk management, where a construction professional creates and manages an effective quality assurance/quality control program to minimize the risk of design and construction defects. The second leg involves […]

Abraham Lincoln once said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.” When the housing market is strong, it is hard to find time to do anything other than acquire lots; build, market and sell homes; and service warranty calls. With the softening of […]

On June 7, 2023, the Colorado Legislature passed House Bill 23-1192 (“HB 23-1192”), now codified at C.R.S. § 6-1-730.  As it was first drafted, HB 23-1192 purported to create additional protections in the Colorado Consumer Protection Act (“CCPA”), but instead threatened to put construction professionals at an increased risk during litigation.  Under Section One of […]

Colleagues and friends: I am pleased to share with you that I have been recognized in the 2023 edition of The Best Lawyers in America for my work in construction law.  This honor comes as a surprise and is a testament to the dedication and hard work of my team at Higgins, Hopkins, McLain & […]

Defense Verdict!

While I have not performed exhaustive research into the origin of anti-concurrent causation (“ACC”) endorsements on insurance policies, or how or when they migrated from first-party property policies to commercial general liability (“CGL”) policies, they have done so.  The result for Colorado’s construction professionals may rear its ugly head as an unwelcome and surprise outright […]

Municipal ordinances may provide additional defenses for construction professionals where state law does not provide sufficient protection for Colorado’s builders.  Colorado state law can be a minefield of potential liability for construction professionals.  Even though the state legislature has stated that it must “recognize that Construction defect laws are an existing policy issue that many […]

Recently, the United States District Court for the District of Colorado interpreted a faulty workmanship exclusion in a property insurance policy in The Lodge at Mountain Village Owner Association v. Eighteen Certain Underwriters of Lloyd’s of London, 22 U.S Dist. Ct LEXIS 48883*, decided on March 18, 2022.  The Court held that the faulty workmanship exclusion at […]

In general, issues relating to employment law occur in all industries. However, some issues are more likely to be raised in certain employment contexts. For example, office work environments tend to give rise to harassment and discrimination claims while wage and hour disputes and workplace safety claims are common in the oil and gas industry. […]


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